
We are a non-profit collaboration platform that accelerates, innovates, and scales tech-enabled health and wellness solutions.

Through collaborative solution development, we leverage technology-enabled solutions that increase health equity and measurably improve community health delivery and wellness outcomes in historically underserved communities. We connect solution innovators and providers with other critical stakeholders in the health and wellness ecosystem through guidance, curated facilitated engagements, and specialized patient/resident user testing. Together, we operationalize direct feedback that supports the development and implementation of digital tools.

Collaboratively developing solutions.

Engaging residents and patients to ensure they have an active voice in solution creation.

Leveraging a robust racial equity and inclusion (REI) methodology to address inherent bias in existing solution development processes. 

Our mission is to increase health equity and measurably improve community health delivery and wellness outcomes in Chicago’s most underserved communities.

We create sustainable wellness through innovation, technology and collaboration.


Creative ideation to address health inequities and build sustainably healthy and well communities.


Development and implementation of information, tools, technology, and models to successfully overcome community health inequities.


Collaborative solution development and implementation through intentional participation of critical stakeholders within the health and wellness ecosystem.

We know that barriers impede community health and wellness. Together, we will enable stakeholders in the health and wellness ecosystem to deconstruct these barriers to equitable healthcare.

Physical Barriers

Infrastructure, or policies related to infrastructure, that prevent residents and communities from accessing the needed care or performing activities related to wellness.

Cultural Barriers

Unique expressions, language, beliefs, and shared historical experiences that influence how people move through the care continuum and may impede constructive engagement with health providers.

Access Barriers

Lack of sufficient infrastructure that affords residents adequate mobility options leading to critical limitations on a myriad of essential needs including healthy and diverse food options, affordable housing, and employment opportunities.

Info & Technology Barriers

Inadequate modes to disseminate critical information to residents to support informed decision making. Lack of critical infrastructure and skills and engage digital resources.

Economic Barriers

Lack of living wage employment opportunities. Limited access to neighborhood employment opportunities. Ineffective workplace development programming. Lack of affordable housing. Minimal access to market rate loans. Predatory practices by financial institutions. 

Together, We Will:

Enable health and wellness solution innovators and healthcare providers to deconstruct barriers to equitable care.

Engage critical stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem...

Empower patients and community residents with information, tools, and technology to directly impact solution design and development.

Our Board & Team

Innovation, Technology, & Collaboration are in Our DNA

Sustainable Wellness Innovation launched in October 2021 as a spin-off of City Tech Collaborative, an urban solutions accelerator of tech-enabled solutions to make cities happier, healthier, and more productive. 

With an ecosystem of 100+ corporate, municipal, civic, and philanthropic partners, City Tech completed more than 30 solution development projects and helped define the future of smart cities.

We carry forward elements of City Tech’s solution development process and leverage its proven methodology to identify urban issues, develop and implement solutions using technology and collaboration, and scale those solutions to drive broader impact.

Learn more about City Tech Collaborative at www.CityTech.org.
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